January 10, 2013

Real life. Real love.

This morning was kind of hysterical. It's our anniversary so Noel was a sweet heart and got me a card and some chocolate. Love that man! However, Addie threw fits all morning, I messed up the ingredients in the pancakes, the maple syrup had molded so Noel had to throw out the first two pancakes I did manage to make for him, the van had to go into the shop so Noel was late for work, we ate dinner at mom and dad's last night so there were no leftovers for him to take for lunch, we missed getting the garbage out on time, and we forgot to move the car seat base out of the van before Noel took it in so now I am trying to coordinate a ride to get lunch to him. This is the stuff real life is made of, and I wouldn't want to be going through it with anyone but my love, who manages to make me laugh about it all; especially the crazy days. :) Hope y'all have a blessed day and get to laugh with your love! 

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