You know, *the* List. The list of all the
fascinating educational stuff I've been reading. And listening to. And watching.
Dear Reader:
Give Them Grace by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick and
Jessica Thompson - This was a very interesting half-read; it was due back to the library before I could finish and someone else had a hold on it so I couldn't renew mine so I'll have to wait to review it. Not sure I totally agreed with the part I read though so it should be interesting to go back and see how it turns out.
Real Marriage by Mark and Grace Driscoll - I know there was a big hub-bub over a bit of the Q&A section of this book but the rest of the book was*excellent*. Noel and I both really enjoyed it and it gave us some good stuff to talk about.
Management In The Home by Lillian Gilbreth - This book was really fun to read since I *love* the Gilbreths' story. And (of course) there were some really good ideas about organizing your home and your time to accomplish things more efficiently. (I would love to have a "baking station" in my kitchen someday.)
Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott - Seriously, this comic makes me laugh till I cry. Every strip is excruciatingly and hilariously accurate. The best.
How To Be Free From Bitterness by Jim Wilson - The ladies' book group is reading this right now. It's so good and so convicting!
Music To My Ears:
Walking With The Wise by Sovereign Grace Music - I stumbled across this really cool CD for kids while listening to one of SGM's other albums on Spotify. I really like it, the songs are fun and not weird!
Risen by Sovereign Grace Music - This is the other SGM album I was listening to. I really like the first song, "Alive". (Momma, I've been practicing the harmony part!)
It Will Rain by Bruno Mars - Somehow this song keeps making an appearance. So does Adele's
Set Fire To The Rain. What is is with these songs? I have no idea but they're kinda stuck in my head.
Visions of Splendor:
Pysch - I have to say I was a little skeptical of this show when I first started watching it but four seasons and five episodes later I am totally into it! This is my go-to show when I have to bounce Addie to sleep. (Which is several times a day.)
The King's Speech - A super fascinating movie about George the VI and his speech impediment. (Disclaimer: There's one scene with an abundance of bad words but other than that it's pretty clean!)
The Young Visiters - Hilarious! And it was fun to see a younger Hugh Laurie.
And there you have it! As you can see I'm a very
easily entertained busy lady and I would love to hear your recommendations for, well, anything! Books, music, and movies, I'm all ears!
Can I get a "Lol!"?